ChocolaTas: Dent-du-midi

At the ChocolaTas booth a few weeks ago, I tried their Dent-du-midi. It’s billed as dark chocolate with almond praline and nougat, which is a fairly classic flavour. Consequently, it’s a good litmus test for the rest of the line of chocolates. After all, if a chocolatier can’t get a praline right, then there isn’t much hope for anything else.

For a refresher on what praline actually is, check out my post on Voya’s hazelnut praline bonbons.

The ChocolaTas almond praline is actually quite surprising. I was expecting sweet, chocolatey notes and not much else – but there’s a lovely nuttiness and richness to this chocolate. The almond provides more interest and depth to what would otherwise be a pretty pedestrian chocolate. Just for good measure, there are little flecks of praligrain for a bit of textural interest.

151 – 1669 Johnston St.,
Vancouver, BC
V6H 3R9

Published by: Eagranie

7 years as a chemist + 9 months of culinary school + 2 years as a pastry chef & chocolatier + a lifetime of writing = this blog. This blog won't always be about chocolate, but it will almost certainly be about food. The name of the blog is a triple play on words. 1. It's a nod to my training as a classical pianist. Among other fantastic accomplishments, J.S. Bach combined technical prowess with artistic inspiration and penned the 24 preludes & fugues that make up The Well-Tempered Clavier, Books I and II. 2. In order to behave properly, chocolate needs to be tempered. In a nutshell, tempering prompts the chocolate to assume its most stable crystalline form (beta prime, if you're interested) so that it is shiny, snappy, and as stable as it can be. 3. Depending on my mood and how we meet, you might agree that I'm well-tempered. Or not.

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